January 15, 2012

His Infinite Love

     God's been talking to me about His love lately.  The picture that continues to come to mind over and over again is an ocean.  His love is like the ocean.  So big.  So unimaginably big.  I don't believe that God withholds the love I ask for, I think that I can't open myself up enough to receive it.  Gently and patiently God helps me to open my heart to Him more so that I can receive more of His love.

I come to His infinite, never-ending love with my little thimble, praying that He'd fill it.
Without fail He fills it to overflowing.  He tells me in His indescribably loving voice, "Next time bring something even bigger."

Unable to imagine just how much love God wants to pour into me, I think 'A spoon! Surely God wouldn't want to give me more than a spoonful.' 
Hoping that I didn't overdo it by bringing a spoon instead of something a little less demanding, I come to Him and His love again. 
 He fills my spoon to overflowing. My heart warms and grows bolder, my thankfulness overflows as I begin to realize that His love is less limited than I had thought.
When He whispers, His voice full of love and joy, "Next time bring something even bigger!", I feel more courageous. Maybe I actually could bring something bigger.

So I come again this time with a bucket!
Soaking in His presence, almost like soaking in the sun's warmth, I feel sure that He will fill my bucket to overflowing just as He had done all the other times.
He does.
"Next time try something even bigger! My love is more for you than you can imagine!" He says. 
'What bigger thing could I bring?' I wondered.  Then I knew what it would be.
Again I come to the ocean.  Again I come ready to be filled.  But this time I come with a bathtub!
Laboriously I push it to the ocean of His love.
Nearly overwhelming me, He fills it to overflowing once again.  But I was able to handle the bathtub full, because He'd been teaching me to receive more and more  of His love each time I had come.
"Next time," He breathes, "Bring only yourself." 
  My footsteps are seen in the sand as again I go to the ocean. 
This time there is no squiggly line beside me from dragging a bucket or tub.
This time my hands are free to push back stray hairs blown by the breeze.
This time I come alone.
Standing on the beach, I wonder what I'm supposed to do.
Then I see him in the water.  He calls, "Come out and join me!"
I could not help but long to be with Him in the water.  So mustering up all my courage, I take a running start.  Leaping over the lapping waves, I seem to be pulled to him like a magnet. 

I couldn't believe I had jumped so far!  I was nearly in His arms. 
Then SPLASH!  I land in His ocean of love right beside Him!
Holding me close He says, "I'll always hold you tight. Don't be afraid, everything will be all right. I have no limit on how much love you can receive. It only depends on how much you will let yourself receive. Come to me any time. I'll always be here for you. Ask me and open your heart, and I'll fill you to overflowing. My love is infinite, unquenchable, unstoppable, invincible. In me you are made whole and complete. I am love!"


  1. Kimby, did you do this yourself? Wow!!!!! I love it! Sherry

    1. Yeah, I did. I worked on the pictures for the last few days. Drew them one day, colored them the next, then scanned and loaded them on to the computer.

  2. That is so awesome! I hope you do some more things like it!

  3. That is awesome!!!!!! I love the drawings!!
